About Me

Greetings. My name is David. I am currently working towards a Web Develpment Certificate. I love learning and working with code. I started out working with software using Filemaker way way back. Sometime around when the first few releases came out. My working career has always been in the transportation industry. Coding has always been a hobby. I have developed Filemaker solutions and a website for my company(a work in progress). Over the past few years I have expanded my desire to branch out into the coding world as a career. As a result I have taken classes and self-taught myself HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery. As for PHP, MySQL and Angular 2, up to now all have only been self-taught. PHP is a favorite language for me. I am taking this class to become more polished with respect to server-side technologies and Git version control. My goal is to turn my hobby of coding into a career. Simply put I want to get paid to play with code. I am really excited and looking forward to the rest of this class and the other technologies we are going to be learning. My goal is to come away with a much more clearer and deeper understanding of server-side web development. Good luck to all.